Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Questions Answered

1. are you in a relationship right now?

2. What's the secret to happiness?

think less, expect less...

3. define human.
hindi kailangang may utak, basta may puso...

4. if be asked to give up one among five of your senses, what would it be and why? 

My eyesight, I guess... most sensitive of all...

5. What's the most delicious meal you've ever had?

Lechon kawali na ang sawsaan ay patis at yung kanin may sabaw ng sinigang! yummmmyyy!!!

6. Are you afraid of dying?

Hindi... lahat tayo doon papunta... nakakatakot lang yung malaman na aalis ako ng wala man lang pala akong maiiwan na magandang alaala sa mga mahal sa buhay o aral sa mga kaibigan...

7. Who inspires you the most?

my life as it is - good and bad experiences, hurts, disappointments, frustrations, wounded heart - lessons learned from these emotions , those are my medals which inspires me to go on in life

8. given one day of power, how and where are you going to use it?

I would like to have the power to dissolve all garbage's in the world... seriously!

9. how would rose roque define freedom?

the ability to choose - and commit myself to - what is best for me.

10. Cats or Dogs?


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